A STRICTLY Come Dancing dancer has become the victim of an X-rated ordeal after intimate pictures were leaked online.
The star's personal snaps were posted online after they were targeted by vile internet hackers.
A number of the pictures have made their way onto social media according to the Daily Star Sunday.
The newspaper claims that "scores of fans" have already seen the pictures which show the star naked.
It claims the pictures were stolen from their iCloud account before being uploaded.
An industry insider told the publication: "Now the photos are in the public domain, this could escalate very quickly indeed.
"People who spot them can easily keep copies and then share them.
"If the images end up on Twitter they could be seen by millions of people in just a few days."
The newspaper claims the star is set to call in lawyers to halt the spread of the pictures and have them taken down from the rogue website.
The star has not been named.
Last year pictures of Saffron Baker and Kelvin Fletcher were leaked online.
The Sun revealed how hackers had targeted Saffron during her time on the show, while Kelvin had filmed a video for pals as a joke that spread on social media.