DEAR DEIDRE: I STUMBLED across footage of me having sex with my husband, and me half-naked when drunk.
The discovery was devastating as I had no clue he was filming or photographing me.
Now I question if I have ever known him at all.
He is 45 and I’m 47. We have two teenage boys. I’ve dedicated most of my adult life to staying at home to look after them.
I was trying to synchronise some of our family photographs from the laptop to my iPad when I came across a file I didn’t recognise.
I guessed my husband’s password and, bingo, I got in. There were almost 100 pictures and videos. Some were of me when I was asleep.
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Some were taken when I’d been drinking and I’m in compromising positions.
I don’t know where he hid the camera or whether he has some spyware somewhere.
The truth is, I’ve not been happy in my marriage for some time.
My husband is obsessed with sex but over the last few years I have lost interest. Now that I’ve found these images, I feel like he’s a weirdo.
Do I stay with the financial security he brings or is it time to kick him out?
DEIDRE SAYS: Taking images like this, without consent is voyeurism and a criminal offence. What your husband is doing is a form of abuse. Contact Women’s Aid (womensaid.org.uk).
You need to call him out on it. You deserve an explanation and a promise those images are deleted immediately.
Your husband should be looking after you, not exploiting you.
If your sons saw these images, the damage would be catastrophic.
My support pack on counselling will show you how to find emotional support in deciding where you go from here.
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