A DAD has apologised for donning a Nazi uniform and dressing his son up as Hitler for Halloween.
Bryant Goldbach said he wasn't trying of offend anyone with the swastika-emblazoned father and son outfits they wore to go trick or treating.

The business owner from Owensboro, Kentucky said he was "not looking to make a political statement" with his Third Reich-themed costume.
Last week he shared a picture of himself and his son at the Trail of Treats event in their local town.
During the annual trick or treating event Goldbach dressed himself in a full SS officer uniform while decking his son out as the Fuhrer.
But his sartorial choice was slammed after a picture of the pair went viral online.

The dad initially defended his choice, saying that “anyone who knows us knows that we love our history, and often dress the part of historical figures”.
He added that children dress up as monsters and “murderers” all the time and their parents do not face criticism.
Goldbach also complained that he had received death threats for allowing his son to wear a Hitler costume.

Eventually he deleted his Facebook account and apologised for the costume saying that he finds white supremacy “disgusting”.
He told the Owensboro Times: “It was bad judgement. I want people to know I am sorry.
“I wasn’t trying to make a statement or put my son in any position.”
But social media users further criticised him for his choice of costume last year, that of a Confederate soldier from the US Civil war.
Statements including: “White pride doesn’t mean hate," were also found on his social media page.
Goldbach said the extreme nature of the comments he has received has scared his family.
He said of the multiple death threats he claims he has received: “I understand that people are mad, but please leave my family alone.”
The father-of-four says he has been threatened he would be “beaten with bats,” and that he “needs to watch over his shoulder”.
Goldbach now says he and his wife are limiting their time outside of their house.
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